You are here: Home1 / Type of Waste
1. Hospital Incinerable Waste:
- Infectious Hospital Waste
- Pharmaceutical Waste
- Sharps
- Used Chemical bottles/boxes/containers etc
- Laboratory wastes
- Any other contaminated/hazardous waste
2. Industrial Incinerable Wastes:
- Obsolete raw materials or products/ depleted solvents,
- Used Industrial filter
- Laboratory wastes, spills,
- Filtrates from chemical synthesis processes
- Dye containers/chemical containers,
- Paper, packaging and Cotton waste
- Wasted sludge and retained sludge,
- Contaminated textile wastes
- Empty cans and drums
- Used Filter fabric
- Polypropylene bags
- Used Led batteries bodies
- All other types of contaminated and hazardous waste
- Incinerable Electronic waste
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